Live-in care at Christmas

Live-in care at Christmas can be a great option for those who want to maintain their independence throughout the festive season.  

Christmas can bring all sorts of emotions for those requiring care. From feeling like they’re inconveniencing family and friends to worrying that they’ll miss out on festivities, there’s a lot to think about, especially for those living by themselves. 

Here, we share some of the reasons why live-in care at Christmas could be the right choice for you, your parent, or a loved one. 

1. Deck the halls 

Decorating the home is one of the great joys that Christmas brings, but this can be a struggle for those with mobility problems or health issues. A live-in carer can help to decorate in the way that you choose, whether this be organising the Christmas tree or displaying your cards. Through bringing this festive cheer into your home, you’re sure to feel ready for the season. 

2. Social gatherings 

If you find it difficult to get out and about but would love to get involved in some community activities this Christmas, a live-in carer can help. Your carer can take you to social gatherings, Christmas events, church, and anywhere else that you might like to go. You’ll have the independence to be as sociable as you like with the confidence that you can go back to your own home at any time. 

3. Festive feasts 

Is it really Christmas without some traditional festive food? Your live-in carer can prepare, or help you to make, your favourite Christmas meals and treats. Embrace the independence to choose what you have to eat, and when and where you eat it, without having to leave the comfort of your home. A full roast dinner or a box of chocolates all to yourself? You decide! 

4. Christmas shopping 

Going Christmas shopping, picking out gifts for friends and family, and seeing the festive shop displays is an enjoyable Christmas activity, and a live-in carer can support you in doing this. Your carer can take you to the shops, assist you where required, and provide some companionship as you spend this time out of the house. 

5. Hosting friends and family 

Spending time with friends, family, neighbours, and other members of your community is a lovely way to spend time during the festive period, and your live-in carer can help you to host a gathering if you’d like to. Support may include assisting you with getting ready, helping with any shopping you require, and being on hand should you need them during the event. 

6. Peace of mind 

Knowing that you’ve got someone to support you throughout the Christmas period will provide peace of mind for you and your family. You won’t need to worry about being lonely, missing out on traditions, or having to turn down invites to social events, and your family will be safe in the knowledge that you’re happy and comfortable. 

At Newcross Healthcare, we offer live-in care at Christmas (and all year round), so we can be there for you when you need us. We’ll match you with your perfect carer based on your needs, and have a seamless process in place which allows for a smooth, stress-free service. 

Find out more about our live-in care offering.

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