Supporting the wellbeing of healthcare workers

Our wellness offering

We offer a free, inclusive inner wellness programme to all healthcare providers and their teams. A focus on wellness can help an individual feel happier, healthier, and more productive – which are qualities that are important in any team.

Three live webinars will be delivered to all staff, clinical and non-clinical 
on a rolling quarterly basis.

Webinar one

Introduces key coaching principles,
along with practical steps and
guidance on how to reduce feelings
of stress, anxiety and worry.

Webinars two & three

Build on and develop the themes
and practical coaching guidance
provided in the introductory
webinar one.

Encouraging wellness within your workforce can help those who are:

Your team will have access to interactive webinars providing inner wellness coaching support alongside techniques to help them navigate and manage stress, anxiety, and times of change. Three live webinars will be delivered to all staff, clinical and non-clinical on a rolling quarterly basis.

Meet our Inner Wellness coach, Suhail Mirza

Our non-executive director and Voices of Care podcast host, Suhail Mirza, leads our wellness initiative and has spoken globally on wellbeing, including to the NHS.

“We are in a situation whereby we need to think differently 
about how we support our workforce wellbeing and how 
we encourage our workforce of the future.”

Roisin Fallon Williams
CEO, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Our podcast series

Voices of Care

Diving deep into the challenges facing healthcare and social care and offering insightful solutions with industry experts.

Professor Vic Rayner

Season 3, episode 4

Professor Vic Rayner discusses the work of the National Care Forum, the challenges facing the social care sector, and the importance of thinking about social care first.

Joseph Musgrave

Season 3, episode 3

Joseph Musgrave discusses the transformation of social care in Ireland, the growing importance of home care, and the challenges posed by an ageing population.


Season 3, episode 2

Dr Ian Gargan and Pooja Rupalia-Seyani discuss the importance of data in healthcare, the need for collaboration between the NHS and the private sector.

Sir Ed Davey

Season 3, episode 1

Sir Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and MP for Kingston and Surbiton, discusses his personal connection to care.

Michelle Gorringe

Season 2, episode 20

Michelle Gorringe, co-founder of Newcross Healthcare and its first Chief Ethics Officer discusses her new role and her nursing journey.
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