The NHS has never faced so many challenges: Karen Bonner, MBE, on transforming the healthcare workforce and creating an inclusive culture 

Karen Bonner MBE is the esteemed Chief Nurse at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, renowned for her unwavering dedication to nursing excellence and patient care. With a wealth of experience in healthcare leadership and a passion for fostering compassionate, high-quality nursing practice, Karen embodies the values of professionalism, empathy, and innovation. Her commitment to enhancing patient experiences and supporting nursing staff development makes her a cornerstone of the trust’s commitment to delivering outstanding healthcare services to the Buckinghamshire community. 


I’m Karen Bonner MBE, the Chief Nurse at Buckinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust, and I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the Voices of Care podcast. In this episode, I had the opportunity to discuss the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan and the importance of creating a truly inclusive culture within the healthcare system.  

Recognising challenges and the need for investment 

Having been a part of the NHS for a long time, I must say that I have never seen so many competing challenges all at once. However, I am optimistic about the future. The new workforce plan, along with the accompanying funding, is a step in the right direction. It recognises the need to invest more in our most valuable resource—our people. It’s not just an issue for the NHS; it’s a societal matter that requires us to take a closer look at how we treat our staff and how the public treats them as well. 

Welcoming the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan and the Importance of Implementation 

The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan has been well-received, and I welcome it. However, it’s important to remember that a plan is only as good as its implementation. We need to turn these promises into action and deliver on our commitments. Reducing our reliance on the international workforce is one of the goals of the plan, but we must also acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of our international colleagues throughout the history of the NHS. 

Acknowledging the Contributions of the International Workforce 

Creating an inclusive culture is a crucial aspect of the workforce plan. It’s an area where I have been recognised for my contributions, and I believe there is still much work to be done. Inclusivity is not just an issue within the NHS; it’s a societal issue that requires individual and collective accountability. We need leaders at all levels to foster an inclusive culture and hold themselves accountable for their actions. 

Fostering an Inclusive Culture: A Societal Issue Requiring Accountability 

I have seen some great examples of organisations taking steps towards inclusivity. Establishing networks, ensuring executive sponsorship, and holding the board accountable are all important aspects of creating an inclusive culture. However, it’s important to remember that inclusivity is not just about numbers; it’s about representation and creating a sense of belonging for everyone. 

The Role of Leadership in Driving Positive Change and Inclusivity 

Leadership plays a crucial role in driving positive change and creating an inclusive culture. It’s not just about those at the top; leadership can be demonstrated at all levels of the organisation. Leading with courage, compassion, and inclusivity is essential. Vulnerability is a strength, as it allows leaders to connect with their teams on a deeper level. It’s important to listen, be accessible, and continuously evolve to meet the changing needs of the workforce and the healthcare system. 

Concluding Thoughts 

In conclusion, the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan and the creation of an inclusive culture are vital for the future of healthcare. As Chief Nurse at Buckinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust, I am committed to driving positive change and fostering an inclusive environment. Together, we can transform the healthcare workforce and create a culture that values and supports all individuals. 

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