Loneliness: How to spot the signs

Loneliness is something that many people have experienced during their lifetime. But would you know how to spot the signs of loneliness in someone you care for? Here, we share some things to look out for when caring for service users.

Poor sleep quality and loneliness

Being lonely can make people feel restless, which often results in poor sleep quality. Lack of sleep is detrimental to an individual’s health and wellbeing. Finding the cause of this is integral in ensuring that they stay well. If someone in your care mentions that they haven’t been sleeping properly, or you think they seem more tired than usual, gently ask them whether they’re feeling lonely. If they say yes, you can take the required steps to help them.

Loss of appetite

Appetite is dependent on each individual. If you notice that a service user is eating less than usual or isn’t interested in their snacks and meals, it could be that they’re feeling lonely. A balanced diet is vital when it comes to staying fit and healthy. So you should encouraged the individual to eat properly in order to take good care of themselves. Once again, asking the question about loneliness is a good first step in dealing with this. You can then explore alternative causes if they say they don’t feel lonely.

Mentioning loved ones

If someone you care for starts mentioning certain loved ones more often than usual, it could be that they’re feeling lonely. Of course, it may just be that they haven’t seen them for a while and they’re missing them. However, it could be that they’re lacking social contact with friends and family members in general. You might also notice that the individual is receiving fewer phone calls or messages, which could also spark feelings of loneliness.

Behavioural changes

Loneliness can have an impact on a person’s behaviour in different ways. For example, it may make them withdraw and shy away from social situations or it could make them clingy and upset about being left alone. People experiencing loneliness may also become uncharacteristically angry, often because they’re embarrassed and frustrated about how they feel. If you notice any of these changes in someone you’re caring for, have a conversation with them about loneliness, as this may be causing the change in their behaviour.

How to help someone experiencing loneliness

If you find that someone you’re caring for is experiencing loneliness, there are steps that you can take to help them with this. Firstly, chat with them about how they’re feeling and ask what they think would help. Simply initiating the conversation could make them feel a bit better and more willing to open up. You can then work on the next step based on what they’ve told you.

Another option is to encourage the individual to attend social gatherings or take up hobbies and interests that involve other people. This will allow them to talk with others and perhaps form new friendships too.

Knowing how to spot the signs of loneliness can really help when it comes to caring for others. We hope that you’ve found this guide useful. For more articles about providing excellent care, take a look at our blog.

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